If you want to phone...
Japan, Tokyo office
+81 (0)3-6631-3000
Japan, Osaka office
+81 (0)6-7639-7351

Enter the detail of inquiry and the contact information in the blanks below.
*The items indicated with * have to be entered.

Detail of the inquiry


About our products

Please check the products you want to know in particular.

Please check the products you want to know in particular.

Superfine air bubble diffuser

Coarse air bubble diffuser

Detail of the inquiry *

Desired contact method

Customer information

Company name *

Department/ post

Name *

Country *


Phone number

*If it is desired to contact by telephone, make sure to enter the number.

FAX number

Mail address

*If it is desired to contact by email, make sure to enter the number.

Acceptance about personal information